
Sometimes it’s enough


To simply experience a moment

By itself

Without thinking about yesterday and tomorrow

It’s enough

To watch dusk slipping into night

As the heat of the sun radiates from the rocks

Where you stand barefoot


Just enjoying the impossible shades of bruised violet


Having found tranquility

In being unable to shoulder burdens

Things that are too heavy to lift

I am no Atlas or Sisyphus to take on the impossible

It is enough to stand on this rock

Without worrying about carrying it

And through the freedom of the unburdened

Discover peace in the eternal now of a sunset



David Trudel     ©  2013




Filed under Poetry

3 responses to “Enough

  1. Oh, I so love this one. If oft times reach my ‘enough’ point, and there’s nothing more I’d like to do than surrender and just ‘watch’ and ‘listen’ as i just ‘breathe’. thank you david

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