For Susan

She uses so few words

To say so much

Her verbal dexterity

Is as precise as a gymnast

Defying gravity
 with a flourish

Creatively observing each object

And every action and inaction

Rhyme, reason and contradiction

With the insight of the ages

Sculpting verbal works of art

That should be cast in bronze

Or chiseled from Carraran quarries

By some modern Michaelangelo

But instead

Even better

Her words are winged electric

Appearing wherever they need to


And now

And now

To you



David Trudel  © 2013




Filed under Poetry

12 responses to “For Susan

  1. David, you are an inspiration to me, as well. Thank you for this.

  2. Reblogged this on Susan Daniels Poetry and commented:
    Oh, if only I were this precise. But, thank you! You have given me something to aspire to.

  3. I concur with what David has written – I can only aspire to height she has reached.

  4. unfetteredbs

    winged electric–YES. Cheers to Susan 🙂

  5. jasmine calyx

    I want to be her! Love this: “Her words are winged electric”

  6. great tribute. & I agree, Susan is the truth.

  7. well deserved. Susan, my duet partner and friend, carves words in , on, and from the hardest of stones with the softest of her burrowing touch, sensitive tongue and twirling fingers! A fitting tribute to a great lady who weaves words with wit, warmth and wand!
    Am still sleep deprived from Xmas travel and I am sure I do not make sense in this truth filled tribute.

  8. Thanks Noel and everybody else. I am so pleased that this made Susan happy and her many fans as well.

  9. Well said David, and rightly put.

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